Bite Me by Christopher Moore: Book Review

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Bite Me Book Cover

4 Stars

I don’t think I can even begin to explain the appeal of these books. A synopsis is going to make it sound ridiculous. A giant shaved vampire cat named Chet is stalking the San Francisco night? Puh-leeze.

Except that leaves out Abby Normal, Emergency Backup Mistress of the Greater Bay Area Night. I. ♥ This. Chick.

Abby is hilarious! I loved her in You Suck: A Love Story and I was thrilled when I found out that she tells most of this newest story. She makes grown men cry. She intimidates the hell out of Foo-Dog, her manga-haired love monkey. I mean, she wears Skankenstein boots. What more do you need to know?

There are vampire cats, rats, and birds; a Samurai-sword-wielding old guy; UV-light jackets and dusters; UV, um, bazookas? that rack up serious points in the vampire elimination game; vampires climbing face first down walls a la Dracula; a fortune-teller who actually gets it right but doesn’t understand any of it; a sea captain named Kona who speaks like a Rasta; truly crazy vampires; and overseeing it all is The Emperor of San Francisco, protector of Alcatraz, Sausalito, and Treasure Island and his two loyal men, Bummer and Lazarus. Sound over the top? It is. But it’s so much fun.

So take note beyotches. There will be a test.

Yes, that’s pretty much a quote. If it offended you, steer clear because this won’t be the book for you. The f-bomb abounds.

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  1. Great review! Love Christopher Moore, and am anxiously waiting for my copy to show up. He had me at "vampire cat"! *L*

  2. Foo-Dog and vampire cats? Uff, you've convinced me that I'm missing something by not reading this! Good review!

  3. …said Troy Lee in his ancient Chinese Secret voice. You know you will never escape the killer cats in those platform giant shoes.

    I am about half way through and I have laughed out loud so much!

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