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Title: Artificial Condition
Author: Martha Wells
Narrator: Kevin R. Free
Series: The Murderbot Diaries
Series Number: 2
Genre: Science Fiction, Humor
Audience: Adult
Format: Audiobook
My Review:
These novellas read like engrossing episodes of your favorite science fiction TV show and I inhale them like popcorn. Murderbot is an unexpected, understated delight and its dry sense of humor keeps me smiling. Its observations of humanity are on point and hilarious. It’s teamed up with ART (short for Asshole Research Transport) in this installment and their interactions are priceless. I hope we see much more of ART in the future. Highly recommended if you need a fast palate cleanser between heavier books.
Synopsis from GoodReads:
It has a dark past – one in which a number of humans were killed. A past that caused it to christen itself “Murderbot”.
But it has only vague memories of the massacre that spawned that title, and it wants to know more.
Teaming up with a Research Transport vessel named ART (you don’t want to know what the “A” stands for), Murderbot heads to the mining facility where it went rogue.
What it discovers will forever change the way it thinks…
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Reading Challenge:
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Woot woot! I love Murderbot, but especially Murderbot + ART. It’s such a great combination.
They’re the perfect buddy combo!
I’m not much of a science fiction reader, but this one looks fun.
This series is a ton of fun.