Ten Anticipated Book Releases for the Remainder of 2021

Ten Anticipated Book Releases for the Remainder of 2021

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Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share our top ten anticipated book releases for the remainder of 2021. I don’t usually track release dates; instead, I just check out whatever catches me eye at the library. I did look through Publisher’s Weekly for this post to see if there are any books coming out soon that catch my eye.

Ten Anticipated Book Releases for the Remainder of 2021

When Ghosts Come Home by Wiley Cash–I’m a big fan of Wiley Cash and I’ve been lucky enough to attend one of his book signings. He’s a fellow North Carolinian who writes with obvious love and compassion about the sometimes-grim realities of life in the South. His books resonate with me in a way that’s hard to describe.

Under The Whispering Door by T.J. Klune–I absolutely adored The House in the Cerulean Sea last year so I was excited when Nicole at BookWyrm Knits mentioned that Klune has a new book coming out soon.

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix–I accidentally read most of Hendrix’s backlist last year. It is rare for me to read an author’s works close together so that’s a huge compliment. He writes horror but there’s surprising depth to it.

The Outlaws Scarlett And Browne by Jonathan Stroud–I can’t say that I seek out Stroud’s books but when I do come across one of them, I usually check it out.

Subpar Parks: America’s Most Extraordinary National Parks and Their Least Impressed Visitors by Amber Share–I’m a fan of this social media account so I’m curious to see what the book is like. The idea might wear thin but it could be a lot of fun too.

Salt Magic by Hope Larson and Rebecca Mock–I discovered Hope Larson’s graphic novels last year and fell in love. This is described as a graphic novel fairy tale so it should be right up my alley.

Between Shades of Gray (Graphic Novel Adaptation) by Ruta Sepetys, Dave Kopka, and Andrew Donkin–I love Ruta Sepetys’s books and this is my favorite of her works. I can’t wait to read it in a graphic novel format.

Aristotle And Dante Dive Into The Waters Of The World by Benjamin Alire Sáenz–I just finished listening to Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe so I’m ridiculously excited to find out that a sequel is publishing soon!

Daughter of the Deep by Rick Riordan–Riordan is practically on auto-checkout on my library account. I love the way he blends familiar stories into something new, diverse, and entertaining. I should read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea before I read this one though.

Gilded by Marissa Meyer–Meyer is another author who gets plucked from the stacks as soon as I see her name. I listened to a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin earlier this year and was slightly disappointed with it. I have high hopes for Meyer’s treatment of the tale though.

That’s my list! Are you excited for any of these? Which books did/would you choose? Link up every Tuesday at That Artsy Reader Girl!

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

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  1. I’m also a big fan of Wiley Cash’s books (they’re so good on audio!), so I’m looking forward to his new release. I love Aristotle and Dante and will read the follow-up, but I may need to reread the first book since I’ve forgotten most of the details. Thanks for sharing these with us!

  2. I’m also really curious about The Final Girl Support Group after reading and loving The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires last year!

  3. I’m also really excited for TJ Klune’s new book! Jonathan Stroud’s new book looks really fun, and I haven’t actually read any Rick Riordan yet (I know!), but that one is really calling out to me.

  4. A graphic novel of Between Shades of Gray?! Yes please. I loved that book and still think about it years after reading it.

    And I didn’t know there was a sequel to Dante, which is super exciting.

  5. Great list! Under the Whispering Door made my list this week, too, and I’m looking forward to The Final Girl Support Group. I don’t tend to read many fairy tale retellings these days, but Rumpelstiltskin is my favourite fairy tale so I might have to give Gilded a try…

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