The Soul of America by Jon Meacham: Book Review

The Soul of America by Jon Meacham Book Cover

I almost always have one nonfiction book on the go that I read exclusively before bed. I’m primarily a fiction reader so I don’t usually fall into the “one more chapter” trap that keeps me awake way past my bedtime if I follow this plan. This was not a great book for that. It’s intelligently written, presented, and argued, but […]

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My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix: Book Review

My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix Book Cover

I loved the way this ended and I hate that I can’t say more about it because I definitely have things I want need to say. But no one likes spoilers, right? Just know that the celebration of real, true friendship surprised me and made me so happy. A horror novel made me happy? Why, yes, it did. Now that that’s out of the way, I […]

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Gil’s All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez: Book Review

Gil's All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez Book Cover

This book cracked me up! My best description is that it’s a version of Tucker and Dale vs Evil if Tucker was a werewolf and Dale was a vampire. I can’t watch many horror movies but that one made me laugh, just like this book did. Earl and Duke aren’t quite as hapless as Tucker and Dale since they’re very aware of their own […]

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Maplecroft by Cherie Priest: Book Review

Maplecroft by Cherie Priest Book Cover

We meet Lizzie and her sister Emma shortly after the notorious murder of their father and stepmother. The women are living in fear of an unnamed horror that is taking over their hometown. They’re trying to research it and combat it as best they can but Emma is an invalid and Lizzie is–well, notorious Lizzie Borden. The horrors […]

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Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics: Book Review

Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics Book Cover

Oh my goodness. This scared me to death! I got worried that I was going to have to put it aside. I gladly read most horror but one trope in particular seriously gives me nightmares and this book went there. I soldiered on though and holy cow, what a ride this was! I keep seeing it compared to a horror version of Little House on […]

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Walter the Farting Dog by William Kotzwinkle: Book Review

Walter the Farting Dog by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray Book Cover

Little Betty and Billy choose Walter and bring him home from the animal shelter. Mom makes them give Walter a bath because he smells so bad. But they quickly realize that the problem is deeper than that: Walter is a farting dog. Billy and Betty don’t mind but their parents can’t take it. They try to fix the problem with visits […]

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This Day in June by Gayle E. Pitman: Book Review

This Day in June by Gayle Pitman Book Cover

The rhyming couplets and colorful pictures in this book are sure to please little readers (or listeners, as the case may be). The parade is full of colorful characters, some in fancy dress, others in outfits that can be found at a Village People concert, but all happy and excited to be a part of this celebration. The illustrator […]

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A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo: Book Review

A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo by Jill Twiss Book Cover

Marlon Bundo is the BOTUS, the Bunny of the United States. He lives a lonely life in a big, boring house until one day he meets Wesley, the most bunny-beautiful rabbit in the garden. It’s love at first sight. They decide they want to get married and hop together forever. But the Stink Bug tells them that boy bunnies can only
marry girl bunnies. What can they do? […]

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Fable by Adrienne Young: Book Review

Fable by Adrienne Young Book Cover

This was exactly the kind of book that I needed right now. It was fast-paced with characters I liked who acted in ways that largely made sense to me. Fable is a survivor who will do a lot of things to get by but she does have her own set of morals. She has a bit of the hopeful optimist about her. Most people would hate the…

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