Journalist Alice Steinbach decided that she was going to take a break from the life she was living. She was happy, but she felt that she needed some time to get acquainted with herself now that her two sons were grown. So she planned an open-ended months-long trip to Europe. She had only the vaguest […]
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan: Book Review
Annabeth has finally gotten her own quest. She must lead a group through the Labyrinth to find Daedalus, its creator, and ask for help defending the camp from Luke and Kronos’s minions. She’s only supposed to ask two people to help her, but she insists that Percy, Grover, and Tyson all come along. Of course […]
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry: Book Review
Annemarie Johansen is a 10-year-old girl growing up in Denmark during WWII. Soldiers occupy every street corner and everyone does his or her best not to draw attention to themselves. Annemarie’s best friend, Ellen, is a Jew. One night, Annemarie’s family hides Ellen from soldiers who are looking for Jews. How far is the family […]
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen: Book Review
Twenty-three-year-old Jacob Jankowski has just lost his parents in a car crash. They had already lost everything in the Great Depression. In a devastating bout of grief, Jacob, a vet school student, walks out of his final exams at Cornell University. He ends up working for a circus as the vet. His boss, August, is […]
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan: Book Review
Something is wrong at Camp Half-Blood. Can Percy fix it? I loved the first in the series, and I really, really liked this one. But I would have preferred to have an original story within the framework of Greek mythology in the modern world rather than have a re-telling of The Odyssey, no matter how […]
Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis: Book Review
Kat Stephenson is the youngest in her family, but she just might be the most opinionated. Stepmama is trying to improve the family’s fortunes by marrying off the eldest daughter, Elissa, to a rich lord. Kat doesn’t like it and she sets out to stop it. Little does she realize that she has inherited her […]
Three To Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich: Book Review
In bounty hunter Stephanie Plum’s latest escapade, she’s sent to bring in “Uncle Mo,” the local candy store owner who has to appear in court for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. Everybody in Trenton does it, Mo was just the one who got caught. But Uncle Mo doesn’t want to come in. And […]
Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich: Book Review
Stephanie Plum is back and this time she’s trying to hunt down Kenny Mancuso. Kenny shot one of his best friends in the knee and then returned later to finish the job. With the help of Morelli, Ranger, and the ever-loveable Grandma Mazur, maybe Stephanie can catch Kenny before Kenny catches her. This book is […]
Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi: Book Review
4 Stars. I felt like I was sitting in this roomful of multi-generational women as they gossiped about themselves, each other, and friends they knew. I think all women have sat in a group like this, when there aren’t any men around, and said just exactly what we really think. It’s not all ladylike and demure. This is the chance […]
Stiff by Mary Roach: Book Review
Chalk this up to a win for the GoodReads friends. I would never have picked this up on my own. A book about cadavers? How morbid can you be? Not to mention the heebie-jeebies that would be sure to haunt me throughout the book. But so many people have read this and raved about it […]
Dreadfully Ever After by Steve Hockensmith: Guest Book Review
I must admit that I have not read any literary mash-ups. I own Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Dawn of the Dreadfuls, thanks to Misty at Book Rat, but I haven’t gotten to them yet. Not for lack of interest, it’s just a matter of too many books and not enough time. My younger […]