The Call of the Wild by Jack London: Book Review

Buck is a dog’s dog, in and out of the house, accompanying the masters around at well, and just generally living the good life in California. But when the Alaskan gold rush starts, big dogs are suddenly worth a small fortune because of their ability to pull fully-laden sleds. Buck is furtively sold by one […]

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The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: Book Review

What’s left of North America has been divided up into 12 districts. Katniss lives in district 12, the poorest district. She’s learned to buck the system and hunt to keep her family alive. But one day something happens that leaves her thinking only of her own survival. I was surprised by how much I liked […]

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The Wish Giver by Bill Brittain: Book Review

When The Wish Giver comes to the Coven Tree church social, four townspeople exchange 50 cents each for one wish. They can’t even begin to dream how their wishes will affect their lives. I remember loving this book when I was in about fifth grade. I couldn’t remember a thing about the story but I […]

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The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley: Book Review

Carrie McClelland is an author struggling with writer’s block. She heads for Scotland for some alone time to try to work through it. When she arrives, she is immediately attracted to Slains Castle and decides to use it in her book. In 1708, Sophia Paterson finds herself at Slains Castle as well. She finds herself […]

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Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham: Book Review

All our familiar storybook characters have had to leave their homelands because an evil creature known as the Adversary has destroyed them. They have all converged on New York. In order to fit into mainstream society, there are some pretty stringent rules in effect. Snow White is effectively in control but her right-hand “man” is […]

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The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein: Book Review

Enzo, the wonderfully perceptive narrator of The Art of Racing in the Rain, is a dog. His master is Denny, a talented race car driver who can’t seem to get a break. There is always something that keeps him from realizing his full potential. Enzo is an astute, loyal observer of Denny’s life as events […]

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The Prince of Frogtown by Rick Bragg: Book Review

4 Stars. Having now read one of Bragg’s books and listened to another, I am torn about the best medium. I’m left thinking that the best thing for everyone would be if his publishers just gave us one of those readalong books I remember from when I was little. “You’ll know it’s time to turn the page when you hear the chime ring like this […]

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Déjà Dead by Kathy Reichs: Book Review

It’s impossible (for me, anyway) to read a forensic mystery without comparing it to the Scarpetta novels. This one was awesome! I haven’t read a forensic science mystery this good since the early Scarpettas! These novels are the basis for the TV series, Bones. I’ve never watched that show, so I didn’t come into this […]

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Forever by Maggie Stiefvater: Book Review

POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR SHIVER AND LINGER!!! Now that Grace is a wolf, Sam finds himself at loose ends. He and Cole are rattling around Beck’s house and generally irritating each other. Mr. Culpeper is still determined to do something about the local wolf problem. Cole is determined to find a cure. The wolves’ lives are […]

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