Oral History by Lee Smith: Book Review

The Cantrell family has lived in Hoot Owl Holler in the mountains of Virginia for as long as anyone can remember. They love hard, play hard, and suffer deeply. There doesn’t seem to be any in-between for them. Oral History follows…let’s call it three…generations of Cantrells, starting with handsome Almarine and his run-in with a Continue Reading…

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The Wild Trees by Richard Preston: Book Review

I find it hard to describe this book without making it sound dull and boring. I’ve tried to tell my husband and he just looks at me blankly. “It’s about trees?” “Well, yes, but it’s interesting and it’s about…trees.” Sometime in the late ’80’s, a few people who didn’t even know each other decided to Continue Reading…

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Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

4 Stars. I had my reservations about this. I love me a retold fairy tale, don’t get me wrong. But it’s all science-fictiony. Cyborgs? Androids? Not my thing. And then it’s set in a future that sounds a little post-apocalyptic? Definitely not my thing. And yet, searching around for something mildly dystopian to read for a reading […]

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