Allan Karlsson impulsively leaves his nursing home by way of his bedroom window on the day of his 100th birthday. There was no real decision-making involved; it was just done. So there he is, on the run in his “pee slippers” (so called because 100-year-old men don’t reliably miss their shoes in the bathroom) and […]
My Ántonia by Willa Cather: Book Review
Young orphan Jim Burden is sent from Virginia to Nebraska to live with his grandparents. There is a Bohemian family on the train with him. None of them really speak English. They all get off at the same station in Black Hawk. It turns out that the family has just bought the farm next to […]
I Am One of You Forever by Fred Chappell: Book Review
Jess, his mom, dad, grandmother and farmhand/adoptive brother, Johnson, live a quiet life in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. They farm, visit with relatives, play some baseball, and get up to a whole lot of no good, as my grandmother would say. Jess’s dad is a mischief-maker. He just can’t help it. Johnson […]
Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman: Book Review
Reviewed September 7, 2009 Busy week + training + overtime=forgettable review. Sorry, guys. These stories/poetry were pretty dark. But then it’s been a while since I read any Gaiman, so maybe I’ve just forgotten how dark he can be. I would really put this on a dark fantasy/horror lite shelf, but that’s fine by me. […]
Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman: Book Review
When I was offered a copy of Neil Gaiman’s newest short story collection, Trigger Warning, for review, my first thought was to jump on it. I adore Neil Gaiman’s work. He is one of only about three authors who get their own shelf name on my GoodReads account. And then I remembered that I wasn’t […]
Cress by Marissa Meyer: Book Review
4 Stars. Holy smokes. When does the next one come out? November? *sigh* For some reason, I thought this series was a trilogy, so I expected everything to be wrapped up neatly. I just got more and more stressed out as everything fell apart. Let’s face it–Cinder and company are very much the underdogs. But things just got worse […]
Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger: Book Review
Sophronia Temminick is a tomboy in Victorian England. The youngest of innumerable sisters, she is left alone to pretty much do as she pleases. What pleases her is climbing dumbwaiter shafts, spying on her sisters, and generally acting in ways not becoming to a lady. When she is packed off to finishing school one day, […]
gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson: Book Review
Arlene left her hometown of Possett, Alabama after she graduated from high school and never looked back. She has withstood bribery, threats, and guilt trips from hell from her Aunt Florence and remained in Chicago for ten years. But now Alabama seems to have found her. A face from Arlene’s past shows up on her […]
Gulp by Mary Roach: Book Review
Mary Roach has a gift for making science accessible and–dare I say it?–even funny. In this book, she tackles the digestive system. Covering topics ranging from thorough chewing (as in 700+ chews for One. Freaking. Bite.) to the miraculous properties of spit, from being eaten alive to the possibility (or not) of chewing your way […]
The League of Seven by Alan Gratz: Book Review
It’s 1875 and Archie Dent’s parents belong to The Septemberists, a society dedicated to remembering the damage caused by monsters called the Mangleborn and to preventing them from rising again to destroy civilization. On a routine trip to the Septemberist headquarters, the older Dents are taken over by Manglespawn, children of a Mangleborn, and forced […]
This I Believe, edited by Jay Allison: Book Review
In a collection of short essays, men and women from all walks of life share their defining beliefs. I listen to NPR in between audiobook downloads but I seem to only be in the car for the news and Marketplace, so I’ve never heard any of these essays. I enjoyed them immensely. Ranging from funny […]