NOS4A2 by Joe Hill: Book Review

NOS4A2 by Joe Hill Book Cover

Victoria McQueen, known at different times as Vic or The Brat, inadvertently discovers she has a special gift when she’s about ten years old. If she wants to find something badly enough, she can ride her Raleigh Tuff Burner bike across a rickety wooden covered bridge and find whatever she’s looking for on the other Continue Reading…

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The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale: Book Review

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale Book Cover

I loved this. I finished it with a huge smile on my face and that contentment that comes from a story well told. It’s like enjoying a feast for the reader’s soul. I had heard so many good things about this book, I went into it with very high expectations. I have to admit that I wasn’t too sure what to think at first. The…

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