White Indian by Donald Clayton Porter: Book Review

The Great Sachem of the Seneca tribe has lost his infant son. In grief, he joins an alliance of tribes in making war on other tribes and an English settlement. In the settlement, he finds a baby boy, only a few days old, who looks at him fearlessly even though the mother has just been […]

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Tithe by Holly Black: Book Review

Kaye Fierch’s mom is a wannabe rocker. When her latest boyfriend attacks her, Kaye and her mom are left with no choice but to move back in with Kaye’s grandmother, who lives on the shore. When Kaye was younger and they lived there, she had a lot of faerie friends. Now she’s looking for them […]

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Journey to Inuyama by Lian Hearn: Book Review

Picking up exactly where Episode 1 left off, Episode 2 finds Takeo and Kaede en route to a marriage at Lord Iida’s stronghold. Takeo is still bent on revenge and Kaede is just trying to survive this brutal world of men. There’s still a lot of potential in this series, it’s just not getting places […]

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The Sword of the Warrior by Lian Hearn: Book Review

Tomasu is out wandering the mountains where his village is located, as he has countless times before, but this time when he comes back, a warlord has destroyed it and apparently killed all the inhabitants. Tomasu makes his escape after embarrassing the warlord and earning his eternal enmity. A kind stranger on the trail Tomasu […]

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The Inferno by Dante Alighieri: Book Review

To summarize for those who don’t know, this is an epic poem, part of a greater poem called The Divine Comedy. Dante the Poet travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise at the behest of his dead true love, Beatrice. His guide for his tour of Hell is the great Roman poet, Virgil. This was tough. […]

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The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Niffenegger: Book Review

A young woman, out wandering the streets after a fight with her boyfriend, stumbles upon The Night Bookmobile. The books inside are strangely familiar. The librarian tells her that the library contains everything she’s ever read in her lifetime. All too soon, dawn comes, the librarian escorts her out the door, and the young woman […]

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The Society of S by Susan Hubbard: Book Review

The Society of S is about Ariella Montero, a very sheltered, educated 13-year-old growing up in Saratoga Springs, NY. Her father is a brilliant, handsome, reclusive research scientist who is home-schooling Ari and raising her alone. Ari’s mother left them immediately after Ari’s birth. Their Victorian mansion is full of secrets that Ari decides to […]

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Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce: Book Review

If I had read these books when I was the right age, they would probably have gotten 4 or 5 stars, but I’m a little too old for them now. These are 4 novels about Alanna of Trebond, a girl who wants to be a knight. Unfortunately, the last female knight in her country lived […]

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Uglies by Scott Westerfeld: Book Review

Tally lives in the future, in a world where, at the age of sixteen, everyone is made superhumanly pretty. The thinking is that by leveling the playing field, so to speak, racism, bullying, low self-esteem, and all the negative things that can be associated with personal appearance can be eliminated. But not everyone wants to […]

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Duma Key by Stephen King: Book Review

Edgar Freemantle is a building contractor in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. Then he is involved in a terrible workplace accident that leaves him with a brain injury and an amputated right arm. His therapist suggests that Edgar should get away from everything and get a fresh start. He tells Edgar to do something that […]

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