Jean Perdu is a broken man, not really living his life but only existing. His one great love left him twenty years ago and he’s never moved on. He puts together gigantic puzzles in his spartan apartment and sells books on his book barge, The Literary Apothecary. He knows exactly the right book to sell […]
Beautiful Darkness by Fabien Vehlmann: Book Review
I walked into the library on my lunch break to pick up a nonfiction book for my before-bed reading. I have enough unread novels at home. I was not going to check out any fiction. I grabbed the book I was there for and then started wandering the fiction stacks. It couldn’t hurt to just […]
The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker: Book Review
Tin Win is a successful lawyer who simply walks out of his life one day. His children have both graduated from college so he apparently has decided that he’s a free man. There’s a search but it quickly comes to a dead end in Bangkok. His daughter Julia decides several years later to go looking […]
Good Omens Dramatization by Terry Pratchett: Book Review
In a hospital in England, the anti-Christ is born, making unlikely allies of the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale. They’ve both spent quite a bit of time on Earth and they actually kind of like the place. They’re not ready for the End of Days. So they set out to make sure it doesn’t […]
Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger: Book Review
Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality has taken boys on board and is heading to London. Sophronia knows that something is afoot, if she can only figure out just what it is. Someone seems to be determined to kidnap Dimity and her brother (What is his name? I can’t be bothered to […]
Time Stops for No Mouse by Michael Hoeye: Book Review
Hermux Tantamoq is a quiet, rather shy watchmaker who just happens to be a mouse. His world is turned upside down when the lovely Linka Perflinger walks into his shop and asks him to repair her watch. She never returns to pick it up, even though it seemed to be important to her. When a […]
Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen: Book Review
3 Stars. When I first read this, I thought it was another solid four-star book from Sarah Addison Allen. But now that months have passed, it’s faded away and I’m only left feeling that it was a decent entry in her body of work. I’m bumping it back to three stars. Devin may have been my favorite character. She’s a bright child […]
Good Harbor by Anita Diamant: Book Review
Kathleen and Joyce are both living on Cape Ann. When they meet, they’re both a little lonely and going through some tough times in their lives. Kathleen is facing a breast cancer diagnosis and Joyce has a terrible teenager at home and a mostly-absent husband. They immediately click and become confidantes. I think it says […]
The Innocent by David Baldacci: Book Review
Will Robie is a sanctioned assassin for the US government. Needless to say, if he screws up he’s officially on his own. He gets an odd assignment amidst the cartel bosses and terrorists that are his usual hits. He’s assigned to take out a woman who works for the Department of Defense. The official story […]
The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka: Book Review
Chronicling the lives of Japanese brides coming to America, Buddha in the Attic is deceptively slim. Almost every sentence begins a new story that is only hinted at, yet I saw at least the broad strokes of an entire life in just those few words. There is no main character and the book is told […]
Jane by April Lindner: Book Review
In this modern-day retelling of Jane Eyre, Jane Moore is a penniless student who’s just had to drop out of college and take a job as a nanny working for rock star Nico Rathburn. I love Jane Eyre. I love Mr. Rochester. The idea of this book intrigued me. How exactly would all that Gothic […]