The Deep by Alma Katsu: Book Review

The Deep by Alma Katsu Book Cover

I liked this well enough. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the Titanic and the paranormal elements. I was never entirely sure what was going on, although I did have all the pieces pretty early in the story. It is refreshing when I can’t quite put everything together. My biggest quibble is that the story could have been tightened up […]

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The Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer: Book Review

The Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer Book Cover

Eh. What was most interesting about this book is the setup for future stories. I don’t want to give away spoilers, so I won’t say much about that, but I will say that I like Minerva and hope that she becomes a recurring character. The other twists could lead to some very interesting developments. I missed most of the oddball…

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Hard Rain by Irma Venter: Book Review

Hard Rain by Irma Venter Book Cover

I wanted to like this more than I did. I feel like it’s a pretty solid premise but the writing was too–jumpy? Maybe? I actually restarted it about 20 pages in because I thought I had missed something. Alex and Ranna barely seemed to know each other but Alex seemed to think that she owed him something. It was some crazy…

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The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan: Book Review

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan Book Cover

I’m a little out of practice with my reviews, but I’m having a hard time putting my feelings about this book into words. On the one hand, I would actually love to see this as a movie, filmed in the style of Schindler’s List. The world is bleak but lends itself well to the unexpected pops of color I remember from Spielberg’s […]

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The Fireman by Joe Hill: Book Review

The Fireman by Joe Hill Book Cover

I try hard to avoid any blurbs or early reviews of books that I’m really anticipating, but somehow things just seep into my consciousness and I’m not even sure how they got there. So in addition to having my own ridiculously high hopes for this book, I’d come across things like “Hill’s magnum opus!” and “his best work to date” […]

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The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman: Book Review

The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman Book Cover

I adore Neil Gaiman’s work, so I jumped at the chance to review this new collection of his nonfiction. I’ve read bits and pieces of his graduation speeches and stuff like that and it always makes me stand up and cheer, “Yes! This! This man gets it!” And that should probably tell you where my expectations were. The collection […]

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Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews: Book Review

Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews Book Cover

I really, really want to give Save the Date four stars, and I would have, but somewhere about halfway through I got fed up with Cara. Up to that point, she’d been such a little fighter that I’d been rooting for her all along. And sure, she has a lot on her plate, but then she goes looking for–and creates!–trouble where none […]

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The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett: Book Review

The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett Book Cover

I was looking for a book featuring a private investigator to complete a reading challenge, so when I saw this was available (and that it was short–it’s the end of the year and time was running out), I jumped on it. I’ve never seen the movie and didn’t really have any idea what it was […]

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Educating Alice by Alice Steinbach: Book Review

Educating Alice by Alice Steinbach Book Cover

3 Stars. I loved Without Reservations, Steinbach’s first book. I admired her courage in packing up and traveling solo. I liked her thoughts and observations and felt that she is someone that I’d like to know and befriend in real life. I didn’t like Educating Alice quite as much. I felt that the author was trying a little too hard […]

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Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts: Book Review

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts Book Cover

3 Stars. I’m having the hardest time writing this review! I’ve scrapped it once already. Ack! It took me about seven weeks to read Shantaram, mostly because I was busy and didn’t have much time to devote to it. I think having that much time to think about what I was reading allowed me to read more objectively than I otherwise […]

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