Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny: Book Review

This is a tough book to summarize. Let’s just say that Mr. Corey wakes up with amnesia after a nasty car crash and sets out to recover his memory and then to take back what he sees as his. Starting this was a leap of faith. Corey tells the story and since he doesn’t know […]

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The Map of Love by Ahdaf Soueif: Book Review

The Map of Love tells two stories. Primarily, it is about Anna Winterbourne, living in the early 1900s, and her fascination with Egypt. In the present, Isabel Parkman and Amal al-Ghamrawi have found a trunk of Anna’s journals and letters and set out to piece together her story, while living their own. The writing in […]

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Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson: Book Review

Jesse Aarons is the class misfit. Something of a dreamer, and a talented artist, he just doesn’t fit in with his practical, competitive classmates. But Leslie Burke moves next door at the beginning of their fifth-grade year, and the two eventually become best friends. Leslie shows him that a different life is possible. I’ll just […]

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Mary, Called Magdalene by Margaret George: Book Review

This is the story of Mary Magdalene’s entire life, from childhood to her death. I enjoyed seeing this controversial historical figure in her own element, with no one sitting in judgment of who she was and her relationship to Jesus. The woman who emerged from these pages was initially very troubled. She was doing her […]

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Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi: Book Review

Primo Levi was a young Jewish man living in Turin, Italy when he was arrested and sent to Auschwitz. Due to a combination of luck and calculation, he survived. I truly, truly hate to give any Holocaust memoir less than five stars. They are all important and they should all be read. That said. Somehow […]

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The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman: Book Review

The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman Book Cover

Jan and Antonina Żabiński were the keepers of the Warsaw Zoo when Germany invaded Poland. Between the bombing, Nazi cruelty, and the Nazi desire to keep all of the rare animals for themselves, there quickly wasn’t much of a zoo to keep. But Jan was an ingenious thinker and he came up with various ideas […]

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Wild Orchid by Cameron Dokey: Book Review

3 Stars. This was a decent book, but I have a couple of complaints. I was excited to read a non-Western fairy tale re-telling. While I did enjoy the story, and I really liked Mulan herself, this book stayed a little too faithful to what I know of the legend from the Disney movie. I enjoy re-tellings that add an unusual twist to […]

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The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop by Lewis Buzbee: Book Review

Lewis Buzbee has worked around books his entire life. He worked at the local bookstore through school, and then he worked as a publisher’s rep, and I can’t even remember what else. This slim, satisfying volume is almost a collection of essays about his thoughts on bookstores, books, readers, and publishing. I believe I was […]

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Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn: Book Review

Kitty Norville is a late-night DJ who stumbles upon a popular idea for a talk show–“The Midnight Hour” in which she and her listeners discuss any and all thing supernatural. And the girl knows what she’s talking about. She’s a werewolf. Unfortunately, her new-found success brings her some unwanted attention. Her Alpha and the master […]

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Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernières: Book Review

Pelagia is a beautiful 17-year-old girl living on the Greek island of Cephallonia when World War II breaks out. The Italians eventually occupy the island and that’s when she meets Captain Antonio Corelli, a man who joined the Army because he thought it would give him plenty of time to practice his mandolin. There were […]

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The History of Love by Nicole Krauss: Book Review

The History of Love by Nicole Krauss Book Cover

Elderly Leo Gursky lost his great love when he was young and he has spent the rest of his life living with what-might-have-beens and watching her and her family from afar. Not in any kind of icky way but in a caring way. Fourteen-year-old Alma Singer is named after all the women in a book […]

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