Just After Sunset by Stephen King: Book Review

Warning! This review will be incredibly long because I find it impossible to review a collection of short stories without reviewing each story. Feel free to move along. Overall, this was not a typical Stephen King short story collection. His short stories generally give me nightmares. There were a few horror stories in here, but Continue Reading…

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The Woods by Harlan Coben: Book Review

Paul Copeland’s sister disappeared into the woods of their summer camp one night twenty years ago. The bodies of two of her friends were found. She wasn’t. Now, the past is surfacing and the mystery is begging to be solved. Eh. Had this been my first Coben book, I would’ve loved it. As it is, Continue Reading…

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Deception Point by Dan Brown: Book Review

NASA, a hot-button topic in a contentious presidential election, has made the discovery of a lifetime in the Arctic Circle. The organization calls in civilian scientists to confirm the validity of their findings. The President is ready to announce the discovery and virtually assure his victory in the election. But then questions arise and the Continue Reading…

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Venom by Joan Brady: Book Review

This book is so complicated, I don’t even know where to start with a synopsis. David Marion is an ex-con who receives advance notice of a hit on his life. He escapes and learns that a mega-corporation, UCAI, was behind it. At the same time, Dr. Helen Freyl, who has a complicated past with David, Continue Reading…

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The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson: Book Review

The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson Book Cover

4 Stars. I enjoyed this one so much more than the first one that I was left wondering if I just read that one at the wrong time or if Larsson really improved that much between one book and the next. Whatever it was, this was way, way better than I expected, and I’m glad it was chosen as one of my groups’ monthly reads. In all […]

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