Head to Head by Linda Ladd: Book Review

3 Stars. First of all, this is a disturbingly violent book. I didn’t have nightmares or anything but it is graphic. Horrific domestic abuse, very violent death, and a brief mention of rape. Sensitive readers should steer clear. That out of the way, there’s a lot of potential here. I really didn’t know who […]

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The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine: Book Review

3 Stars. So, I have a problem with these “Girl” or “Woman” books that have been everywhere the past several years. Do we have a genre name for them yet? You know the ones. Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train and on and on and on. I just can’t get into them. I loathe the characters. That’s exactly the point, but when I don’t like […]

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End of Watch by Stephen King: Book Review

End of Watch by Stephen King Book Cover

4 Stars. I haven’t reviewed the earlier books in this trilogy so this will act as more of a series review. I’ve done my best to avoid any spoilers but there may be some small ones. I wouldn’t classify these books as horror simply because that implies a level of the supernatural and/or gore that this series doesn’t achieve. But […]

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Deep Storm by Lincoln Child: Book Review

Deep Storm by Lincoln Child Book Cover

2 Stars. This book really wasn’t for me for a lot of reasons that might not bother other readers. The first thing to really irritate me was the mansplaining. A female doctor is already onboard. Instead of treating her as a valued colleague, Crane marches in, assumes she doesn’t know anything about rarer diseases, and completely […]

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Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy: Book Review

Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy Book Cover

Holy cow. I’ve been looking for a book with a great twist for years (since reading Shutter Island back in 2010) and been consistently disappointed. This book didn’t just twist, it corkscrewed! Repeatedly! I literally gasped at the end of each part. I am not a fan of the “Girl” or “Woman” psychological thriller craze. I gave both […]

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Origin by Dan Brown: Book Review

Origin by Dan Brown Book Cover

I freely admit that I find Dan Brown to be a mediocre writer at best, BUT I am willing to overlook that because he grabs my attention with some new ideas and I can’t put his books down until I see where he’s going. I just couldn’t get into this particular book as much as I usually do. I noted at 22% on my Kindle that I didn’t…

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The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides: Book Review

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides Book Cover

I’m in the minority here, but I was not impressed. My contrarian streak shows up in all these twisty thrillers about women, which all seem to have the word girl in their title. I gave up on Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train; this one must be better since I actually finished it. Maybe the title wasn’t as derivative so it didn’t…

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Déjà Dead by Kathy Reichs: Book Review

It’s impossible (for me, anyway) to read a forensic mystery without comparing it to the Scarpetta novels. This one was awesome! I haven’t read a forensic science mystery this good since the early Scarpettas! These novels are the basis for the TV series, Bones. I’ve never watched that show, so I didn’t come into this Continue Reading…

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