Stars Above by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

4 Stars. I needed these Lunar short stories to get some closure after the emotional turmoil of Winter. (I was so angry at Levana that I almost gave up on the book. It was that torturous). When I realized that this book was happening, I jumped on it as soon as I possibly could at the library. Most of the stories are prequels to Cinder […]

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Winter by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

3 Stars. I’m exhausted. Emotionally and physically exhausted. Because of my library’s policies, I had two weeks to listen to a 21-part audio book, when it normally takes me that long to listen to about 10 parts. Because I love this series, I buckled down and did it. This can’t have been good for my blood pressure. I only thought […]

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Fairest by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

3.5 Stars. I’m finding this hard to rate. On the one hand, it is well-written and exciting and everything that I expect from this series. On the other hand, it’s Levana. Oh my gosh! I despise this character! I tried hard to find something to like and to see her as more of a victim than a victimizer and that worked for maybe the […]

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Cress by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

4 Stars. Holy smokes. When does the next one come out? November? *sigh* For some reason, I thought this series was a trilogy, so I expected everything to be wrapped up neatly. I just got more and more stressed out as everything fell apart. Let’s face it–Cinder and company are very much the underdogs. But things just got worse […]

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Jane by April Lindner: Book Review

In this modern-day retelling of Jane Eyre, Jane Moore is a penniless student who’s just had to drop out of college and take a job as a nanny working for rock star Nico Rathburn. I love Jane Eyre. I love Mr. Rochester. The idea of this book intrigued me. How exactly would all that Gothic Continue Reading…

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The Child Thief by Brom: Book Review

In this very, very dark telling of Peter Pan, Peter is abused and unwelcome everywhere he wanders until he stumbles onto the island of Avalon. There, he finally carves out a home for himself, although not without a certain amount of danger. As conditions on the island deteriorate, Peter recruits children from the world of Continue Reading…

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Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

4 Stars. I didn’t like this quite as much as Cinder but I definitely still enjoyed it. By introducing Scarlet, Marissa Meyer managed to avoid my common complaint that the second book in a series is just filler. Had she stayed exclusively with Cinder’s story, I’d probably be complaining. By shifting the focus, she fills in a lot […]

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Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

4 Stars. I had my reservations about this. I love me a retold fairy tale, don’t get me wrong. But it’s all science-fictiony. Cyborgs? Androids? Not my thing. And then it’s set in a future that sounds a little post-apocalyptic? Definitely not my thing. And yet, searching around for something mildly dystopian to read for a reading […]

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The Odyssey by Gareth Hinds

Gareth Hinds undertakes the task of adapting The Odyssey, the tale of Odysseus’s long journey home after the Trojan War, into graphic novel format. I wish this had been around when I was wading through The Odyssey in high school (and maybe college? I can’t remember). I don’t know what translation we read, but we Continue Reading…

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