The Broken Circle by Enjeela Ahmadi-Miller: Book Review

3 Stars. Hmmm. It’s hard to write reviews of memoirs that don’t exactly work for you, isn’t it? I don’t want to discount someone else’s life experiences. But I personally felt there were some serious issues with the writing. Enjeela and her family experienced a terrifying journey when they left Afghanistan […]

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We Are Here to Stay by Susan Kuklin: Book Review

4 Stars. I try hard not to get political in my reviews, though if you look back through the books I read, you’ll get at least a sense of my political leanings. It’s impossible to review this book without discussing politics though, so bear with me. I wish all the politicians who love to speak so loudly and […]

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Fatima’s Great Outdoors by Ambreen Tariq: Book Review

5 Stars. Fatima is totally relatable. She feels overshadowed by her smart older sister and she doesn’t always feel like she fits in at school. She’s a little nervous about sleeping in a tent, especially when she and her sister spy a “monster” outside the tent in the night. They laugh the next morning when they see what it was [….]

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Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok: Book Review

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok Book Cover

4.5 Stars. This book was so heartbreaking so much of the time. I adored Kimberly. She’s such a good daughter, friend, and student. She’s trying so hard to be everything to everyone. Her life is always hard, but it’s hardest when she first arrives, with no comprehension of American culture and little comprehension of the language […]

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When the Moon is Low by Nadia Hashimi: Book Review

Fereiba lived a lonely childhood in Afghanistan. Her mother died in childbirth and her stepmother never treated her like a real member of the family. Her stepmother does eventually arrange a marriage for her and it becomes a love match. Three children later, the Taliban are in power, Fereiba has had to give up the […]

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The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka: Book Review

Chronicling the lives of Japanese brides coming to America, Buddha in the Attic is deceptively slim. Almost every sentence begins a new story that is only hinted at, yet I saw at least the broad strokes of an entire life in just those few words. There is no main character and the book is told […]

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This is How You Lose Her by Junot Díaz: Book Review

Yunior has cheated one too many times. The smartass Dominican narrator of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is just not in a good place. In a series of short stories set around different events in his life, he reflects on how he has arrived at this point. This is so hard for me […]

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Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol: Book Review

Anya falls into an abandoned well one day and finds herself alone with a skeleton. Needless to say, she is terrified. Especially after the ghost of a girl about her own age shows up. Anya is rescued fairly quickly and tries to put the whole experience behind her. But she’s brought something back out into […]

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The Arrival by Shaun Tan

A man leaves his wife and daughter behind to go establish a new life for them in another place. He must learn the ways his of strange new home. I’m so glad Aths recommended this book. I would never have found it on my own. Without writing one word, Shaun Tan tells a detailed story […]

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Mr. Rosenblum Dreams In English by Natasha Solomons: Book Review

Jack Rosenblum and his young family were some of the fortunate Jews who escaped Berlin before WWII started. When they disembarked in Great Britain, they were given a pamphlet entitled While you are in England: Helpful Information and Friendly Guidance for every Refugee. Mr. Rosenblum becomes obsessed with the idea of living his life according […]

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