Josh and Sophie Newman have settled into a summer in San Francisco, living with their elderly aunt as their parents work an archaeological dig, and working summer jobs to save up for a car. But one day, a very sinister man pays a visit to the bookshop where Josh is working. The man appears to […]
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan: Book Review
It’s show time. The battle between the Olympians and the Titans, thousands of years in the making, is finally here. Kronos has had ample time to prepare his plans while Zeus and company have been having their own quarrels and parties. He strikes at multiple fronts, almost simultaneously, and no one knows what his true […]
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan: Book Review
Annabeth has finally gotten her own quest. She must lead a group through the Labyrinth to find Daedalus, its creator, and ask for help defending the camp from Luke and Kronos’s minions. She’s only supposed to ask two people to help her, but she insists that Percy, Grover, and Tyson all come along. Of course […]
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan: Book Review
Something is wrong at Camp Half-Blood. Can Percy fix it? I loved the first in the series, and I really, really liked this one. But I would have preferred to have an original story within the framework of Greek mythology in the modern world rather than have a re-telling of The Odyssey, no matter how […]
A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull: Book Review
Jason Walker is going about his job at the local zoo when he hears music. Following the music, he is led to the hippo tank. It sounds like the music is coming from inside the hippo–but that’s not possible, is it? Leaning over to figure out what he’s hearing, Jason falls straight into the hippo’s […]
Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris: Book Review
My seven-year-old cousin and fellow lover-of-all-things-fairy, Natalie, convinced me to read this by reciting the cover blurb to me: “Part comedy, part love story, part everything-but-the-kitchen-sink.” What fairy tale fan could resist that? Not this one! I loved that the defining characteristics of the characters weren’t their beauty or lack thereof. Chris is intelligent, kind, […]
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan: Book Review
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief hits theaters today. I have to admit that I’m pretty excited to see it. I loved the book, the cast is amazing, and the trailer is exciting. I just wish that they had found an actor who is actually Percy’s age to play Percy. He’s what–12 in […]
Sent by Margaret Peterson Haddix: Book Review
***SPOILERS FOR THE FIRST BOOK, FOUND*** Found ended with Jonah and Katherine latching onto Chip and Alex as the two boys were sent back into their own time period. Sent picks up there. The kids find themselves in fifteenth century England, where Chip and Alex find out that they’re royalty. Many plots are afoot and […]
Un Lun Dun by China Miéville: Book Review
Strange things start happening around best friends Zanna and Deeba. A fox appears on the edge of the playground, watching Zanna. They come across graffiti saying “Zanna For Ever!” A woman they don’t know approaches Zanna in a café and tells her what an honor it is to meet her. It all culminates one night […]