Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix: Book Review

Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix Book Cover

This is my third Grady Hendrix novel this year and with every single one of them, I think the premise sounds like fun and then I’m surprised by how dark the book gets. You would think I’d learn, wouldn’t you? The books do start off amusingly enough but the dread and the creep factor slowly ratchet up until I’m practically […]

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The Night Witches by Garth Ennis: Book Review

The Night Witches by Garth Ennis Book Cover

I literally just finished this graphic novel and I’m about to flip back to page one and read it again. That isn’t to say it was perfect–it wasn’t–but I know that in my hurry to read it, I missed a lot of important details. Now that I know Anna Kharkova’s story, I can take my time and chew it over. I’m struggling with where to…

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Giant Days Volume One by John Allison: Book Review

Giant Days Volume One by John Allison Book Cover

I loved these young ladies! They’re funny and they make mistakes but they’re loyal and there for each other. I related a lot to both Susan and Daisy. When Daisy asks about book club on her birthday, I howled with laughter! That is so me! I’m not quite sure about Esther and her drama but at least she doesn’t actively…

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Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton: Book Review

Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton Book Cover

Julian, Dick, and Anne are disappointed when their parents announce plans to vacation alone in Scotland. The children quickly change their tune when they learn that they will be spending the summer at their aunt and uncle’s house on the coast with their cousin George (Don’t ever call her Georgina) and her dog, Timmy. What follows…

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Aurora Borealice by Joan Steacy: Book Review

Aurora Borealice by Joan Steacy Book Cover

I usually rate books five stars if they rock my world or if I simply can’t bring myself to put them down. That’s not the case here. My rating reflects the subject matter. How frustrating it must be to have a sharp intellect but to be written off as “less than” because…

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The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer: Book Review

The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer Book Cover

I think I enjoyed this one even more than the first. These books are just a lot of fun, even to a 30-year-old woman. They would have been some of my favorites if they’d been around when I was a kid. I have to admit to giggling aloud even now. But aside from the wackiness of the story, I like seeing Artemis grow and learn about…

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Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer: Book Review

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer Book Cover

I truly enjoyed this book. Artemis is a genius, but we also get to watch him grow up (and loosen up) a little as the book progresses. Just when you start to forget that Artemis is only twelve, a scene comes along that shows how vulnerable he still is. The plot was smart, funny, and well-written. The fairies were not your typical […]

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The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly: Book Review

3 Stars. I’m so torn. I adore A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly. Like, top-five-books-ever adore it. So I know she can write. But this is her debut novel and it shows. It also got laughably melodramatic. There’s a better word to describe this book but it’s escaping me. Dickensian? Maybe. Fiona’s tragedies just pile one on […]

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Educating Alice by Alice Steinbach: Book Review

Educating Alice by Alice Steinbach Book Cover

3 Stars. I loved Without Reservations, Steinbach’s first book. I admired her courage in packing up and traveling solo. I liked her thoughts and observations and felt that she is someone that I’d like to know and befriend in real life. I didn’t like Educating Alice quite as much. I felt that the author was trying a little too hard […]

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The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett: Book Review

The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett Book Cover

5 Stars. I read this back in college and loved it so much that I still have my copy from that class. I decided to re-read it when my husband and I visited the coast of Maine last month. I might love it even more now. The narrator, who remains unnamed, is accepted in this tightly-knit community, but she’s still enough of an […]

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The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley: Book Review

The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley Book Cover

4 Stars. Man, this took me right back to my tween years. I can’t begin to explain it because I’ve never read this book before, but it just had that ’80s feel. It’s a quest book with a strong female lead, short and to the point. The author isn’t trying to get a movie deal or spread a plot thinly over a never-ending series. I did get worried […]

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