Muse and Reverie by Charles de Lint: Book Review

In the author’s note at the beginning of this volume of short stories, Charles de Lint says that he’s taking a break from Newford for a while but that he still has enough short stories lying around to publish one more collection. I read that and my heart stopped for a second. I love Newford […]

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Bite Me by Christopher Moore: Book Review

I don’t think I can even begin to explain the appeal of these books. A synopsis is going to make it sound ridiculous. A giant shaved vampire cat named Chet is stalking the San Francisco night? Puh-leeze. Except that leaves out Abby Normal, Emergency Backup Mistress of the Greater Bay Area Night. I. ♥ This. […]

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Thumb Flagging by Jerome Peterson: Book Review

Willy is a seasoned hitchhiker who introduces Jay to the wonders of the open road in order to boost his self-confidence and rid him of his spoiled-Catholic-boy tendencies. I enjoyed this. As you can imagine in a book about hitchhiking, it’s a bit of a picaresque novel with stories about the other hitchers and rides […]

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Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater: Book Review

Grace has been obsessed with the wolves living in the woods behind her house for years. There’s one in particular that she thinks of as her wolf. On the day that she starts to think that there may be more to these wolves than meets the eye, some local hunters decide to go wolf hunting […]

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The Girl Who Chased The Moon by Sarah Addison Allen: Book Review

3.5 Stars. I really liked the whole story, I just felt that I wanted a little more meat to it. That’s really my only criticism. I liked the way that Emily learned the value of family. Julia learns that for most people, home will always be home, no matter how hard you try to leave it behind. I loved the way that the Coffeys […]

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The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank: Book Review

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Book Cover

Any kind of synopsis feels extremely redundant, but I’ll write one anyway. Anne Frank is a young Jewish girl in hiding in Amsterdam during WWII. I don’t know how I made it to be 31 years old without reading The Diary of Anne Frank. I’m glad I finally got to it though. I think Anne’s […]

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Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier: Book Review

Loosely based on The Twelve Dancing Princesses, among other fairy tales, Wildwood Dancing is the story of five sisters who disappear into The Other Kingdom for a fairy revel every full moon night. But when their father leaves them alone to spend the winter in another city, their cousin, Cezar, realizes something is going on […]

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Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick: Book Review

I know a lot of you are going to disagree with me, but here goes…. Nora Grey is forced to sit next to the new guy, Patch, in biology class one day. He knows more about her than he should, and trouble starts to follow her around. I should have listened to Misty at Book […]

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Storm Front by Jim Butcher: Book Review

4 Stars. Were there a few problems with this book? Yes. But it was fun, funny, suspenseful and original. I read it in one shift at work. I was hooked when Harry quips, “But just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that there isn’t an invisible demon about to eat your face.” What a great line! Harry is a […]

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The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb: Book Review

Calder is a Fetch, a soul who escorts people on their journey to heaven. One day he shows up at a Death Scene, waiting to see if an infant chooses to die or not. The woman holding the baby takes his breath away. She’s beautiful and has a kind, caring, sad face. He can’t get […]

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The Help by Kathryn Stockett: Book Review

In Jackson, Mississippi during the Civil Rights era, a white woman stumbles on the idea of writing a book about the black maids of the area and the white families they work for. There have been so many great reviews written for this book, that I don’t know if I have a whole lot more […]

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