The Winter Palace by Eva Stachniak: Book Review

The Winter Palace by Eva Stachniak Book Cover

4 Stars. Oh my gosh, Russian novels, even when they aren’t written by Russians, defeat me with the names. Everyone has at least two or three wildly different (to me, anyway) names! I can’t keep them straight! This one wasn’t too bad but I would still draw the occasional blank. I just had to keep reading and hope that I eventually got that […]

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Seriously Mum, What’s an Alpaca? by Alan Parks: Book Review

Seriously Mum What's an Alpaca by Alan Parks Book Cover

2.5 Stars. When I have daydreams about packing up and moving to a new country, Spain is always the one that comes to mind. We visited in 2010 and just loved it. We felt welcome everywhere we went, the people seemed happy, and it just fit. Plus, my husband’s bilingual. At least one of us could speak the language. When I saw this as a free […]

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Jane by April Lindner: Book Review

In this modern-day retelling of Jane Eyre, Jane Moore is a penniless student who’s just had to drop out of college and take a job as a nanny working for rock star Nico Rathburn. I love Jane Eyre. I love Mr. Rochester. The idea of this book intrigued me. How exactly would all that Gothic Continue Reading…

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Vintage by Susan Gloss: Book Review

Violet Turner owns a vintage clothing shop in Madison, Wisconsin. She’s on her own after her rocky marriage ended and she likes it that way. She’s always dreamed of owning a shop like this and she’s happy enough. Then she finds out that she’s being evicted from her building, a good friend asks her to Continue Reading…

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The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery: Book Review

The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery Book Cover

I hesitated over this book for a long time. I’d somewhere picked up the idea that it involves a lot of Philosophy, which I read as Big, Boring Thoughts That Have No Practical Application to Anyone’s Life. Is that bad? Probably. But I came across it in Will Schwalbe’s memoir, The End of Your Life Book Club and it piqued my…

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