Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Community

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Today kicks off Book Blogger Appreciation Week, a week all about celebrating the wonderful online community we have created! Book bloggers will be posting about daily topics throughout the week. I don’t know how many I’ll get to, but I’ll try my best.

Monday’s prompt is: “Today you are encouraged to highlight a couple of bloggers that have made book blogging a unique experience for you.”

Well, whenever this kind of topic comes up, I have to mention Misty at Book Rat. We were friends on GoodReads first, and when she started linking to her blog, I faithfully followed her over. It wasn’t long before I decided that I wanted to try that for myself. And here I am, almost two years later! Misty is always funny and encouraging, and she hosts amazing events like Jane in June and Helluva Halloween. She always has something new and exciting going on over at her blog!

Jess at Tangled Up in Blue is also another GoodReads friend. She stays busy and doesn’t get to spend much time in the book blog community, but she comments on my blog and on my reviews on GoodReads pretty frequently for all that. I pick up some great recommendations from her, as well as encouragement. (She commented that East of Eden is one of her favorite books when she noticed that I started it recently. I’ve gone into it with an open mind and enjoyed it more than I probably would have if she hadn’t said anything at all.)

I host my own meme, Character Connection. It requires quite a bit of time and I’m not a great self-promoter, so it’s not very widely known. Suey at It’s All About Books and Enbrethiliel at Shredded Cheddar keep encouraging me to continue! They don’t even know they’re doing it. They stop by and comment or write their own amazing posts (My current favorites: Suey’s post about Mr. Hyde and Enbrethiliel’s about Percy Weasley) and I’m reminded that someone out there is reading what I have to say!

There are more, but I’ll stop there. Thank you to all you wonderful ladies I mentioned here, and thank you to book bloggers as a whole! The online book community has enriched my life in ways I would not have thought possible.

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s, my local independent bookstore located in downtown Asheville, NC; and Better World Books. I will receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase books through links on my site.

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  1. I love your Character Connection feature! I know I don't do such a good job of commenting on those posts though. I also look forward to your Friday Flashback posts! Happy BBAW!

  2. How cool that you knew a couple of those bloggers from non-blogging contexts first! I know about Jess, but not the others on your list. Thanks for the suggestions, and have a great BBAW!

  3. +JMJ+

    Thank you so much for featuring Shredded Cheddar in this post, Jen!

    I've been really busy lately and going through a blogging slump, besides, so I find your post especially encouraging. I hope to join Character Connection again soon. =)

  4. I don't stop by as often but do enjoy your blog.

    I have to consider your meme when I come across an amazing character.

  5. Wonderful list you got here!

    I had a hard time choosing. But I opted for totally unheard of blogs. Isn't that the intention of community? To spread far and wide!!

    Here is my post:

    BBAW 2011: Community

  6. I love the Character Connection! And I wish I managed to participate more often, but I second guess myself way too much on those posts, and then chicken out. But you should know that come every Thursday, I'm pondering it whether it actually shows up on my blog or not! 🙂 Thanks for the shout out!

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