The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan: Book Review

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan Book Cover

I’m a little out of practice with my reviews, but I’m having a hard time putting my feelings about this book into words. On the one hand, I would actually love to see this as a movie, filmed in the style of Schindler’s List. The world is bleak but lends itself well to the unexpected pops of color I remember from Spielberg’s […]

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The Girl Who Was on Fire, edited by Leah Wilson: Book Review

Editor Leah Wilson has collected a series of thirteen essays from various young adult authors, each addressing a different aspect of The Hunger Games trilogy. How do I put this? I’m not really a huge analyzer of books. Sure, I write plenty of reviews, but in those I just write what I liked (or not) […]

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