The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides: Book Review

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides Book Cover

I’m in the minority here, but I was not impressed. My contrarian streak shows up in all these twisty thrillers about women, which all seem to have the word girl in their title. I gave up on Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train; this one must be better since I actually finished it. Maybe the title wasn’t as derivative so it didn’t…

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Aurora Borealice by Joan Steacy: Book Review

Aurora Borealice by Joan Steacy Book Cover

I usually rate books five stars if they rock my world or if I simply can’t bring myself to put them down. That’s not the case here. My rating reflects the subject matter. How frustrating it must be to have a sharp intellect but to be written off as “less than” because…

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Hard Rain by Irma Venter: Book Review

Hard Rain by Irma Venter Book Cover

I wanted to like this more than I did. I feel like it’s a pretty solid premise but the writing was too–jumpy? Maybe? I actually restarted it about 20 pages in because I thought I had missed something. Alex and Ranna barely seemed to know each other but Alex seemed to think that she owed him something. It was some crazy…

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The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha: Book Review

The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha Book Cover

I needed this book in my life right now. I don’t even know how to follow that up without hijacking this review into my own political soapbox, so for future reference, I’ll just note that we’re in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and may George Floyd rest in peace. I pray for justice and meaningful societal changes for him and […]

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I Should Have Honor by Khalida Brohi: Book Review

I Should Have Honor by Khalid Brohi Book Cover

I was a bit familiar with the practice of honor killings and was of course appalled by them. The patriarch of a family apparently has complete discretion to order a woman in the family to be killed if she brings dishonor on the family. In the examples in the book, this usually comes about when a “woman” (usually barely past […]

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Eleven on Top by Janet Evanovich: Book Review

Eleven on Top

This is Stephanie Plum! It goes without saying that she and Lula and Grandma Mazur are going to have some insanely funny moments. It also goes without saying that Stephanie is going to have some extremely…um, romantic? lusty? naughty? all of the above?… moments with Morelli or Ranger. You either like the formula or you […]

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Full Throttle by Joe Hill: Book Review

Full Throttle by Joe Hill Book Cover

I “discovered” Joe Hill somewhere back around 20th Century Ghosts or Heart-Shaped Box. I don’t recall which I read first but I think I read them pretty close together. I’ve eagerly snatched up his new books as they’re published ever since, which isn’t something I do with most authors. I’m a library girl and have been all my […]

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The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb by Melanie Benjamin: Book Review

The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb by Melanie Benjamin Book Cover

Vinnie had a fascinating life. She did actually marry Charles Stratton, “General Tom Thumb,” who toured with P.T. Barnum from the age of 5 until his death. Vinnie started her career with the American Museum but after her marriage, she and Charles toured Europe, the US, and eventually the world. That trip would have been almost […]

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The Fireman by Joe Hill: Book Review

The Fireman by Joe Hill Book Cover

I try hard to avoid any blurbs or early reviews of books that I’m really anticipating, but somehow things just seep into my consciousness and I’m not even sure how they got there. So in addition to having my own ridiculously high hopes for this book, I’d come across things like “Hill’s magnum opus!” and “his best work to date” […]

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The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman: Book Review

The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman Book Cover

I adore Neil Gaiman’s work, so I jumped at the chance to review this new collection of his nonfiction. I’ve read bits and pieces of his graduation speeches and stuff like that and it always makes me stand up and cheer, “Yes! This! This man gets it!” And that should probably tell you where my expectations were. The collection […]

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