August 2024 In Review

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I started tracking my reading on The StoryGraph in addition to GoodReads this year. There are things I like and things I think could improve on both platforms. One of the things I’m excited to see on The StoryGraph are the monthly and yearly graphs. Nicole at BookWyrm Knits always has beautiful graphs on her wrap-up posts that I love looking at. I would never carve out the time to make something similar but The StoryGraph has made graphs and graphics for me! Woohoo! So let’s take a look at August 2024 in review.

Books Read

Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories From the Twenty-first Century, edited by Alice Wong–4.5 Stars

The Whispering Skull (Lockwood & Co. #2) by Jonathan Stroud, read by Katie Lyons–4 Stars

Head to Head (Claire Morgan #1) by Linda Ladd–3 Stars (Link to my review)

Vision: A Memoir of Blindness and Justice by David S. Tatel–4 Stars

The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil #1) by Soman Chainani, read by Polly Lee–4 Stars

The River by Peter Heller, read by Mark Deakins–4 Stars

The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper–3.5 Stars (Link to my review)

Not shown:

Fifty Words for Rain by Asha Lemmie, read by Robin Eller and others–Did Not Finish

Pretty Graphs and Graphics

The original StoryGraph graphic included a mini calendar with the number of pages and time spent listening each day. I haven’t gotten in the habit of tracking my reading that closely (yet?) so I replaced it with a pie chart of the pre-selected moods The StoryGraph tracks. I was apparently in a reflective yet adventurous mood in August! I took over six weeks to finish The Last of the Mohicans so that really increased my average time to finish. I blinked when I saw 17 days on this graphic. I usually finish fiction in just a few days.

The top three graphs are not surprising to me. I am surprised to see that mysteries were my top genre choice in August. I’m also surprised to see that I read equal numbers of audiobooks and digital books. You’d never guess that I only started listening to audiobooks in my 30s, would you?


Ten Debut Novels I Enjoyed

Head to Head by Linda Ladd: Book Review–3 Stars

Can We Talk About Israel?: A Guide for the Curious, Confused, and Conflicted by Daniel Sokatch: Book Review–5 Stars

Ten Characters I’d Like to Befriend

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna: Book Review–4.5 Stars

Ten Eight Posts About Me

The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper: Book Review–3.5 Stars

And of course my Weekly Update posts

Reading Challenges

I have a lot of catching up to do on some of these challenges! You can see particular books I’ve read and more information on my 2024 Reading Challenges page and my Classics Club page. The links in the table below take you to the blog hosting the challenge.

Number ReadGoalComplete?
GoodReads/The StoryGraph73100No
Books in Translation (Hosted here!)54-6Yes!
Southern Literature (Hosted here!)27+No
Key Word1211No
Classics Club2250No

Were you happy with your reading progress in August? What was your favorite book of the month?


I’m linking up to Shannon at It Starts at Midnight and Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.

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1 Comment

  1. My August reading was alright. I had big gaps of no reading which doesn’t usually feel so good.

    I do love the storygraph graphics (do all bloggers love a good graphic?)

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