2015 Nonfiction Reading Challenge Review Link-Up

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Nonfiction Reading Challenge 2015 Button
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Please link your reviews for the 2015 Nonfiction Reading Challenge here. Looking for the “rules” or the sign up page? Click here or click on the button.

I’m signing up at the Seeker level, 11-15 books. I’ll track my progress here.

  1. Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal by Mary Roach
  2. The Places in Between by Rory Stewart
  3. All Over but the Shoutin’ by Rick Bragg
  4. Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West by Stephen E. Ambrose
  5. Seriously Mum, What’s an Alpaca? by Alan Parks
  6. Rome, 1960: The Olympics That Changed the World by David Maraniss
  7. Educating Alice: Adventures of a Curious Woman by Alice Steinbach
  8. In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette by Hampton Sides
  9. Ex Libris: Adventures of an Uncommon Reader by Anne Fadiman
  10. Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women by Geraldine Brooks
  11. Moon Coastal Maine by Hilary Nangle

Update as of January 1, 2016: I barely completed this challenge! I almost forgot about my guidebook. I read it all so I’m counting it. Thanks for joining me!

Please link to the review and not your blog home page. My suggested format is the title of your blog and then the title of the book in parentheses.

Example: The Introverted Reader (I Am Malala)

1. Based on a True Story (This Common Secret)
2. Elisa @ Leopards and Dragons (When Oil Peaked)
3. Joy’s Book Blog (A Blueprint for Your Castle in the Clouds)
4. Holli @ Goodreads – Unbroken
5. Becky (Girl with the White Flag)
6. Becky (Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In)
7. Becky (In the Kingdom of Ice)
8. Sinners Creed (Fredas Voice)
9. BJ/Only in Spain
10. Emma @ Words And Peace (Journeys Through France and Life)
11. Carol’s Notebook (Good Health, Good Life)
12. Joy’s Book Blog (A Short Guide to a Long Life)
13. habitually probing generalist (Nature & Origins of Scientism)
14. habitually probing generalist (Radioactive)
15. Haze in a Happy Daze (The Art of Asking)
16. The Itinerant Librarian (Black Prophetic Fire)
17. Becky (Art of the English Murder)
18. Holli @ Goodreads – American Sniper
19. Holli @ Goodreads – The Easy Way to Write Fantasy That Sells
20. Emma @ Words And Peace (That’s Paris)
21. Tracey @ Carpe Librum (1,339 QI Facts To Make Your Jaw Drop)
22. Joy’s Book Blog (Do More Great Work)
23. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Wilkie Collins)
24. habitually probing generalist (Integrationist Notes and Papers 2009-2011)
25. habitually probing generalist (Brew Britannia)
26. Elisa @ Leopards and Dragons (The Secret Rooms)
27. habitually probing generalist (Integrationist Notes and Papers 2012)
28. habitually probing generalist (Oregon, My Oregon)
29. habitually probing generalist (Integrationist Notes and Papers 2013)
30. habitually probing generalist (Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker)
31. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Anthony Trollope: An Autobiography)
32. habitually probing generalist (World of the Elements: Elements of the World)
33. Heather @ Based on a True Story (The Inconvenient Indian)
34. ReadingWorld (One Summer. America 1927)
35. Missi
36. Reading World (Medieval Tastes)
37. Avid Series Reader (Body-for-LIFE)
38. Avid Series Reader (Eating for Life)
39. Avid Series Reader (You Are Your Own Gym)
40. Avid Series Reader (Champions Body-for-LIFE)
41. Reading World (On Immunity. An Inoculation)
42. A Chosen Exile (Based on a True Story)
43. Freedom’s Daughters (Based on a True Story)
44. Haze in a Happy Daze (No Plot? No Problem!)
45. The Itinerant Librarian (The Best Shots You’ve Never Tried)
46. The Itinerant Librarian (The Wet and the Dry)
47. habitually probing generalist (Ski & Snow Country)
48. habitually probing generalist (A Most Imperfect Union)
49. habitually probing generalist (New Era)
50. habitually probing generalist (Oregon II)
51. habitually probing generalist (Woman Rebel)
52. Joy’s Book Blog (Making Ideas Happen)
53. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Spilling the Beans)
54. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Seeking Our Eagle by Karen Charlton)
55. BJ/I am Spock
56. BJ/Lying in Wait
57. Joy’s Book Blog (Do the Work)
58. Reading World (When Books Went to War)
59. Missi
60. Based on a True Story (Service Included)
61. Based on a True Story (Yes, Chef and Power Forward)
62. Carol’s Notebook (7 Simple Choices for a Better Mind)
63. habitually probing generalist (Barley Wine)
64. habitually probing generalist (Dinner in the Beer Garden)
65. habitually probing generalist (Oregon Breweries)
66. habitually probing generalist (Malt)
67. habitually probing generalist (Oregon III)
68. habitually probing generalist (Portland Beer)
69. Spillover by David Quammen (Maphead’s Book Blog)
70. Forged by Bart Ehrman (Maphead’s Book Blog)
71. Bruce @The Bookshelf Gargoyle
72. Bruce @ The Bookshelf Gargoyle (If You Find this Letter)
73. Bruce @ The Bookshelf Gargoyle (The Forgiveness Project)
74. Bruce @ The Bookshelf Gargoyle (Madness: A Memoir)
75. Based on a True Story (Born to Rule)
76. Haze in a Happy Daze (March Nonfiction Reads)
77. Reading World (A Great and Terrible King)
78. Cupcakes and Mini Cakes (Fredas Voice)
79. BJ/Wild
80. Heather @ Based on a True Story (Vanilla)
81. Heather @ Based on a True Story (I’m Off Then)
82. The Skies Belong to Us (Maphead’s Book Blog)
83. Sacred Trash (Maphead’s Book Blog)
84. 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Maphead’s Book Blog)
85. Emma @ Words And Peace (Bridges of Paris)
86. Thirteen Days in September (Maphead’s Book Blog)
87. The Myth of the Muslim Tide (Maphead’s Book Blog)
88. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Nothing To Be Frightened Of)
89. Bloodlands (Maphead’s Book Blog)
90. BJ/Comfort Me With Apples
91. Saints, Sisters, and Sluts (Eleanor and Franklin)
92. Ringo (Fredas Voice)
93. Joy’s Book Blog (South of Haunted Dreams)
94. Joy’s Book Blog (Reality is Broken)
95. The Itinerant Librarian (Two for the Road)
96. The Itinerant Librarian (Being Dead is No Excuse)
97. The Itinerant Librarian (90 Classic Books for People in a Hurry)
98. The Itinerant Librarian (Smoke Gets in your Eyes)
99. The Itinerant Librarian (That’s So Gay!)
100. The Itinerant Librarian (Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey)
101. The Itinerant Librarian (Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies)
102. The Itinerant Librarian (The China Collectors)
103. Priya @ Tabula Rasa (The Undercover Economist)
104. Joy’s Book Blog (Syllabus)
105. Tracey (Carpe Librum) The First World War Diaries of Sister Edith Appleton
106. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Poirot and Me)
107. Reading World (So We Read On)
108. Saints, Sisters, and Sluts (Capital Dames)
109. Emma @ Words And Peace ( How to Blog a Book)
110. Emma @ Words And Peace (Petite Confessions)
111. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Burying the Typewriter)
112. Margaret @ BooksPlease (H is for Hawk)
113. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Viva la Repartee by Mardy Grothe
114. I’d Rather Be At The Beach(The Big Book of Parenting Tweets)
115. I’d Rather Be At The Beach (It Girl 4 Life)
116. I’d Rather Be At The Beach (In Her Kitchen)
117. I’d Rather Be At The Beach (Donna Bell’s Bake Shop)
118. I’d Rather Be At The Beach (Going Against The Grain)
119. I’d Rather Be At The Beach (Cozy Food)
120. I’d Rather Be At The Beach (Find Momo Coast To Coast)
121. I’d Rather Be At The Beach (Food: A Love Story)
122. Joy’s Book Blog (Happier At Home)
123. Joy’s Book Blog (Sundown Towns)
124. Joy’s Book Blog (Doodle Revolution)
125. Mary-andering Creatively
126. Going Against the Grain (Freda’s Voice)
127. When the Balls Drop (Freda’s Voice)
128. Idiot Guides Baking (Freda’s Voice)
129. Smash Cut (Freda’s Voice)
130. James Beard Cookbook (Freda’s Voice)
131. The Warmth of Other Suns (Maphead’s Book Blog)
132. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World (Maphead’s Book Blog)
133. CSFTS Here Comes the Bride (Fredas Voice)
134. Samantha Snyder (Fredas Voice)
135. Hazellie Wong (Mid Year Update)
136. Illustrated Quick Cook (Fredas Voice)
137. Margaret @ BooksPlease (Stephen Hawking: His life and Work)
138. Tracey (Carpe Librum) The Aitch Factor | Susan Butler
139. The Wright Brothers
140. Joy’s Book Blog (Devil in the Grove)
141. Margaret@BooksPlease (The Golden Age of Murder)
142. Prayers That Changed History (Fredas Voice)
143. Big Bad Book of Bill Murray (Fredas Voice)
144. BJ/The Astronaut Wives Club
145. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton
146. Pope John XXIII: A Spiritual Biography (Maphead’s Book Blog)
147. A Backpack, A Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka (Maphead’s Book Blog)
148. The Girls Who Went Away (Maphead’s Book Blog)
149. Uncivil Society (Maphead’s Book Blog)
150. heather (Something must be done about Prince Edward Count)
151. Margaret@BooksPlease (One Life: My Mother’s Story)
152. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Pro Resumes Made Easy
153. Headscarves and Hymens
154. Margaret@BooksPlease (Come, Tell Me How You Live)
155. Joy’s Book Blog (Fragmented by Design)
156. Luminea (Animal Teachings)
157. Luminea (The Animal Reiki Handbook)
158. Luminea (Healing for Horses)
159. Luminea (Awakening to Animal Voices)
160. Luminea (Horses Talking: How to Share Healing Messages with Horses in Your Life)
161. Luminea (Animal Voices, Animal Guides)
162. Luminea (She Flies Without Wings: How Horses Touch a Woman’s Soul)
163. Luminea (Beyond Words: Talking With Animals and Nature)
164. Luminea (Horse Sense and the Human Heart)
165. Luminea (The Language of Alb
166. Luminea (The Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating with Animals)
167. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Children Who Have Lived Before
168. Reading World (Our Man in Charleston)
169. Bruce@The Bookshelf Gargoyle (Working Stiff)
170. Bruce@TheBookshelfGargoyle (Terrible Typhoid Mary)
171. Bruce@TheBookshelfGargoyle (Knit the Sky)
172. The Twilight Warriors (Maphead’s Book Blog)
173. 1913: The Year Before the Storm (Maphead’s Book Blog)
174. Go Ask Alice (Fredas Voice)
175. The Itinerant Librarian (Buttermilk and Bible Burgers)
176. The Itinerant Librarian (The Radical King)
177. The Itinerant Librarian (War Against All Puerto Ricans)
178. The Itinerant Librarian (Arms and the Dudes)
179. The Itinerant Librarian (Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1)
180. The Itinerant Librarian (VHS Video Cover Art)
181. The Itinerant Librarian (Time on Two Crosses)
182. The Itinerant Librarian (The Right Side of History)
183. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Swimming to the Moon
184. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Love Letters of Great Men
185. Reading World (We Should All Be Feminists)
186. Reading World (Those Who Stayed Behind)
187. 1913: In Search of the World Before the Great War Maphead’s Book Blog)
188. Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War (Maphead’s Book Blog)
189. The Imperial Cruise: A Short History (Maphead’s Book Blog)
190. Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots (Maphead’s Book Blog)
191. Avid Series Reader (The Eighty-Dollar Champion)
192. Reading World (The Desert Queen)
193. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Snail Mail | Michelle Mackintosh
194. The Invisible Bridge by Rick Perlstein (Maphead’s Book Blog)
195. Reef Libre (Fredas Voice)
196. Unafraid (Fredas Voice)
197. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Humans of New York (HONY) Brandon Stanton
198. Miracles (Freda’s Voice0
199. Margaret@BooksPlease(Mrs Jordan’s Profession)
200. Tracey (Carpe Librum) The Sting by Kate Kyriacou
201. Emma @ Words And Peace (French Illusions)
202. Top Secret Recipes (Fredas Voice)
203. Sweets & Treats with Six Sisters Stuff (Fredas Voice)
204. Margaret@BooksPlease – (The Monocled Mutineer)
205. Margaret@BooksPlease – (Nagasaki: Life After Nuclear War)
206. Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea (Trusting God)
207. Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea (Child’s History of England)
208. Bang Bang (Fredas Voice)
209. Tracey (Carpe Librum) Australia’s Most Murderous Prison by James Phelps
210. motobass (Ancient Persia)
211. Carolyn @ RIEDEL Fascination (See all 37 books here!)
212. Inside the mind of a Bibliophile (Lawyer Games)

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1 Comment

  1. Late last night, early this morning I finished "The Astronaut Wives Club" by Lily Koppel. If you are in any way interested in the space race of the 60s/70s, this book about the wives of the Mercury 7, Gemini 9 and Apollo 14 wives is a really interesting, informative and enjoyable read. The only problem I had was keeping all the ladies straight, there were so many of them, but that didn't take away from the enjoyment!

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