2015 Southern Literature Reading Challenge Review Links

Southern Literature Reading Challenge Button 2015

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Southern Literature Reading Challenge Button 2015

Please link your reviews for the Southern Literature Reading Challenge 2015 here.

I’m signing up at the Sweet Iced Tea level, 4-5 books. My progress:

  1. gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson, read by Catherine Taber
  2. I Am One of You Forever by Fred Chappell
  3. The Story of Land and Sea by Katy Simpson Smith
  4. All Over but the Shoutin’ by Rick Bragg
  5. First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen
  6. Raney by Clyde Edgerton
  7. Family Linen by Lee Smith
  8. Those Across the River by Christopher Buehlman

Update as of January 1, 2016: This challenge is complete! I met my goal of 3-5 books read. I need to work on reviewing more of them though. Thanks for joining me!

Please link to the review and not your blog home page. My suggested format is the title of your blog and then the title of the book in parentheses.
Example: The Introverted Reader (This Dark Road to Mercy)

1. Stealing Home (Kristi @ Books and Needlepoint)
2. Erin @ Quixotic Magpie (First Frost)
3. Bad For You (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
4. One More Chance (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
5. Cath @read_warbler (The Quiet Game)
6. Choosing Charleston (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
7. Avid Series Reader (A Slice of Murder)
8. Avid Series Reader (Orchid Beach)
9. Designated Daughters (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
10. Freefall (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
11. Making Chase (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
12. Lost in You (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
13. Once and Again (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
14. Count On Me (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
15. River Road (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
16. Blue Bayou (JoAnne@LitlequeenRules)
17. Avid Series Reader (By Hook or by Book)
18. Avid Series Reader (Fatally Frosted)
19. Avid Series Reader (At Home in Covington)
20. Avid Series Reader (I Scream, You Scream)
21. Avid Series Reader (The Empress File)
22. Avid Series Reader (High Country Fall)
23. Avid Series Reader (Murder, with Peacocks)
24. Avid Series Reader (House of Blues)
25. Avid Series Reader (Death on the Family Tree)
26. Avid Series Reader (Sweetwater Creek)
27. Avid Series Reader (Stone Angel)
28. Avid Series Reader (Cross Current)
29. Impressions In Ink-Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
30. Meditation: Mindful Meditations for the Chronically Busy
31. LibriAmoriMiei (The Ghosts of Peppernell Manor)
32. LibriAmoriMiei (To Fall in Love Again)
33. LibriAmoriMiei (Charmed, I’m Sure)
34. LibriAmoriMiei (Give ‘Em Pumpkin to Talk About)
35. How to develop effective collaborative business relationships
36. 1953: An Autobiography
37. BODACIOUS BOOK TRAILERS by Petra Ortiz narrated by Evelyna Castro
38. Turbulence Ahead by Phaedra Noble
39. Paleo on the Go by Betsy Charles Wellbeing Books
40. Yarashell Abbily and Her Very Messy Room

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