Welcome to Banned Books Week!

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Banned Books Week 2012 Banner
Badge reprinted by permission
of the American Library Association.

I can’t believe it’s Banned Books Week again!

I said everything I really have to say about banning/challenging books in this post a couple of years ago, but I’ll give a quick recap.

I believe that you have the right to choose the books you want to read. I believe that parents/guardians have the right to choose what their children read up to a certain age, which is different for every child. Just remember that forbidding anything to anyone only makes them more curious about it. Forbid a book to a curious child and they will do everything they can to find it, read it, and see what the big deal is.

I do not believe that you have the right to tell me what I can or cannot read. If I had children, you do not have the right to dictate what they can or cannot read.

Our freedoms are what make our country so great and this is perhaps one of our greatest freedoms. You respect my freedom to choose what I read, write, watch, or listen to, and I will do the same for you.

Because this is really about respect and trust. And the people who get on their moral high horses and declare what is right or wrong are disrespecting the choices and judgments of everyone around them.

So join book lovers across the country in celebrating Banned Books Week. At least look at the list of frequently banned/challenged books on the ALA website. I believe you’ll be shocked at some of the titles. You might even be shocked at some of the titles I review this week. And that’s why this week is so important, because it brings awareness to the issue.

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s, my local independent bookstore located in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC; and Better World Books. I will receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase books through links on my site.

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