The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan: Book Review

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The Battle of the Labyrinth

4 Stars

Annabeth has finally gotten her own quest. She must lead a group through the Labyrinth to find Daedalus, its creator, and ask for help defending the camp from Luke and Kronos’s minions. She’s only supposed to ask two people to help her, but she insists that Percy, Grover, and Tyson all come along. Of course the Labyrinth is as confusing as expected, full of traps, pitfalls, and Kronos’s monsters.

I was glad to have Annabeth back! I really missed her in The Titan’s Curse, and this time she was practically the star of the show. But she’s crazy-jealous and that did get a little old. I don’t blame her. But, still, this is Annabeth. I don’t associate insecurity with her.

I don’t know that I have a whole lot different to say from my reviews of the other books in the series. I still love these characters, I still love Percy’s narration, and I still frantically turn pages to get to the end.

I did love the way Daedalus and the Labyrinth were portrayed. I had forgotten that he created the Labyrinth in the first place.

The emotion in these “kid’s books” always surprises me. There’s the adrenaline from the battles and humor from Percy being a smartass. But this one had some genuinely sad and bittersweet moments too.

Again, highly recommended for “kids” of all ages.

My reviews of The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters and The Titan’s Curse.

Read an excerpt.

Find author Rick Riordan on his website, his blog, Twitter, and Facebook.

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  1. My daughter and I are planning the audiobook of this for a car ride to Boston. I'm glad you liked it!

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