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Grace has been obsessed with the wolves living in the woods behind her house for years. There’s one in particular that she thinks of as her wolf. On the day that she starts to think that there may be more to these wolves than meets the eye, some local hunters decide to go wolf hunting in her backyard. She makes up a story to get them to stop and then comes home to find a shot and naked young man shivering on her back deck.
Wow. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book and it really is great. I’ve read Lament: The Faerie Queen’s Deception by this author, and I thought it was just okay, so I was a little hesitant to pick this one up. I shouldn’t have been.
I have a full-blown sensitive-boy crush on Sam. I think he has it all. He loves to read, he’s musical, he writes songs for Grace, he respects her and tries to treat her right, he’s beautiful; I really could go on and on. Sam is the reason I loved this book.
Grace was pretty cool too. She has this weird obsession with the wolves, but that’s explained. The only thing I can’t figure out is how her 10- or 11-year-old self got locked in a car. Child locks are on in the back? A kid that age should know to climb out the front. Oh, and that disappearing-parent thing that is so prevalent in YA books shows up here. At least it’s noted and treated as a problem rather than taken for granted and used as nothing more than an excuse to let teens do whatever they want without any adult interference.
The girl that I really liked was Isabel. She had such a tough, take-no-prisoners exterior. She didn’t put up with anyone’s indecisiveness or wariness. If she decided she wanted something from you, she was going to get it. As the book goes on, you find out that there’s more to her than that though.
I was pretty happy with the pacing of the novel too. There’s this feeling of time slipping away faster than you want it to as you’re reading, which fits in perfectly with the story.
Highly recommended.
Great review. I have a crush on Sam too! 🙂 So the 11-year-old locked in the car thing I think was explained by her being really sick and asleep in the back, so she wasn't really trying to get out.
Awesome review! Never read it though. I know I'm in the minority, but I hope I'll get to it soon!
This is the second review this week I've seen of this book where the reader was hesitant to start it but ended up really enjoying it. My coworker also was hesitant, and when she finished it, she told me to give it a try. Maybe it's a sign that I should then, since I am very leary of these hyped up paranormal books.
I loved Sam too, he is just so perfect and cute! Glad you enjoyed the book 🙂
I've been reading some great reviews on this book. Glad to see you enjoyed it.
She didn't bother me, Misty. Maybe my expectations are just incredibly low after Hush, Hush. 😉
Angie, you are not making the wait for Linger any easier!
The rest of you should read this. I thought I was the only person left who hadn't read it yet.
I loved Sam, but I was just eh about Grace. I thought she was kind of annoying and cardboard.
Dude. You are going to love LINGER! I love your "full-blown sensitive-boy crush" on Sam. I feel the same way. The boy is extremely lovely.
Glad SHIVER worked for you. 🙂
Ahh, I just came back form a bookstore and i have it in my hand!ahh!have to go back and buy it tomorrow!
p/s:great review!
I have been wanting this book for awhile now and I almost bought it yesterday. Now I wish I would have. I think I may get it the next time I get to the book store. Thanks for the great review.
Woot! I have this book in TBR pile and I'm pretty sure that I'll be getting into very, very, very soon. Sam sounds so lovely there. No wonder everyone seems to be talking about it when they finish reading this book =)