Truly, Madly by Heather Webber: Book Review

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Cover of Truly, Madly

3.5 Stars

Lucy Valentine has lost the family ability to match people based on their auras, and can now only find lost objects. After some negative publicity, Lucy finds herself in charge of the family matchmaking business for a few weeks. Not realizing what she’s getting herself into, she offers to try to find a new client’s lost love, then asks the PI in the upstairs office to help her out. Sparks fly as soon as she walks in the door.

 I’ll get my complaints out of the way first. Some of the situations Lucy finds herself in felt very contrived. I don’t want to give anything away, so I’ll leave it at that. I also saw a lot of the small surprises coming, and I definitely knew what the big surprise/solution at the end was going to be.

Overall though, I had a lot of fun with this. It’s been a while since I’ve read a chick lit kind of mystery, and I realized that I’ve missed it.

Lucy was a lot of fun, as was her family, but I have to say that I’m glad Dovie isn’t my grandmother. I would die of embarrassment! Sean was hot in all the right ways, but in a personal preference, I wish he wasn’t a retired firefighter. I love a man in a uniform, but that doesn’t extend to firefighters. Lots of stories there. The chemistry between Lucy and Sean was maybe a little too instant, but that was part of the fun.

How many times have I used the word fun in this review? Too many! But that’s the best way to describe this book, and I recommend it for a nice little break between heavier reads. I’ll be looking for the next book in the series!

Total disclosure: My aunt won an ARC from the publisher and loaned it to me. Check out her review.

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  1. Brianne, I bet my sister wishes she could find things like that too! 🙂

    Book Dilettante, I did have fun with this! Doesn't the phrase "paranormal cozy mystery" make you wonder, "What on earth is that all about?" That's exactly what it is though!

  2. Lucy Valentine has lost the family ability to match people based on their auras, and can now only find lost objects.

    I so wish I could do that. Finding things I lose would be amazing! 😀

    Great review! And the word 'fun' is a perfect word to use for these kinds of books so definitely okay! 🙂

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