6 Degrees from Redhead by the Side of the Road to A Game of Thrones

6 Degrees from Redhead by the Side of the Road to Game of Thrones

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6 Degrees from Redhead by the Side of the Road to Game of Thrones

Hosted by Books Are My Favourite and Best on the first Saturday of every month, this meme asks us to start with one title and create a chain of bookish connections to see where it takes us. This month, we’re going from Redhead by the Side of the Road to A Game of Thrones.

Redhead by the Side of the Road is Anne Tyler’s newest release. I haven’t read it but it was impossible for me to see that title and not think of…

Anne of Green Gables, exactly as she’s pictured on the book cover above. She’s waiting on Matthew Cuthbert and the new life that awaits her. (Author: L. M. Montgomery) And that became my simple theme this week: redheads among my read books, in no particular order.

Pippi Longstocking is another ginger whose adventures I enjoyed reading as a child. (Astrid Lindgren)

And who can forget everyone’s favorite red-headed family, the Weasleys from the Harry Potter series? Who’s your favorite? At this point in my life, mine might be Molly. (J. K. Rowling)

Alanna from the Song of the Lioness series is another perennial favorite. (Tamora Pierce)

Then there’s Scarlet, filling the role of a science fiction Red Riding Hood no less, from the Lunar Chronicles. (Marissa Meyer)

And wrapping it all up we have A Game of Thrones and the rest of A Song of Ice and Fire, with Sansa and Catelyn Stark, Melisandre, Ygritte, and probably more gingers whom I’ve forgotten.

So that’s my chain from Redhead by the Side of the Road to A Game of Thrones! Where do your connections take you? Link up at Books Are My Favourite and Best!

6 Degrees of Separation Button

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

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  1. Lovely – but you aren’t the only one to go with a redheads chain! I guess because I read the Tyler book, and know that the redhead in the title doesn’t refer to a person, I never thought of that connection!

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